Saturday 27 February 2016

Tomato pasta

Allora always request for pasta and she finish 3 portions at Cafe Brios yesterday. She didn't have enough so today I'm her chef.

Pasta ( I use Barilla penne today )
A pitch of salt
Tomato paste
Minced meat
Cheese ( to your preference, I use cheddar)

Bring a pot of water to boil
Add a pitch of salt when water is boiling and add in the pasta
Cook according to instructions on pasta box. Timing depends from brand to brand

Add a pitch of salt, pepper and corn flour to the minced meat
Add a bit of boiling water and bring the minced meat to a paste

Heat up oil and garlic till you can smell the fragrant from the garlic
Add in tomato paste and water
Add in minced meat and fry till cook. This take a minute only.
Add in the pasta and prawn. Off the heat and stir in cheese and it's done.
Alternatively you can choose to pan fry the prawn first before cooking the pasta if the prawns are very fresh. I did this today as I just bought the prawns from wet market this morning.

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